Our 2020 SIRS Branch 169 activities began with our January guest speaker unable to attend. So fellow SIRS member Bernie Hollenbeck quickly filled the void and shared from his days as a flight instructor and crash site investigator. We did not realize at the time that this would establish a pattern for the remainder of our year. In February our guest speaker was called for jury duty, so I filled the void with some African missionary experiences. In March, Gina Behrens from Fresno State was our speaker. She focused her talk on new laws impacting student athletes at the university level. At the time, we did not realize we would not have another luncheon until October. Our November and December luncheons were cancelled, and we now wait to see when we will be
able to resume meeting in 2021. A special thanks to all those members who working to keep our organization viable until all of this is a memory. As I mention memories, it seems important to conclude by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and may we have a happier New Year.